The Coalition's Activities at COP16

The Water and Climate Coalition was involved in several activities at the COP16 negotiations in Cancun, details of which are below.

A Timetable of Events















20.00 - Meeting of Coalition Members and Partners

COP16 Negotiations begin

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

20.00 - Meeting of Coalition Members and Partners

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

19.00 - Closed meeting with negotiators

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

All day - CONAGUA Dialogues

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

All day - CONAGUA Dialogues

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

All day - CONAGUA Dialogues

14.15 - Coalition session as part of CONAGUA dialogues








09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

14.30 - Press conference

18.30 - Side Event: Water, Climate and Development

All day - CONAGUA Dialogues

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting

COP16 Negotiations end

09.30 – Daily Coalition Meeting


A map of Cancun with key locations and venues marked is available here.

Meeting of Coalition Members and Collaborative Partners

Time: Sunday 28th November, 8pm
Place: Omni Hotel

This was an opportunity for members and partners to meet one another. There was an introduction to COP16, a briefing on the Coalition’s activities and key events along with an outline of the Coalition’s advocacy strategy for the negotiations.

Coalition Advocacy Meetings

Time: Daily from Monday 29th November, 9.30am
Place: Moon Palace Hotel

Daily meetings took place to discuss advocacy strategy, share any relevant information with one another and network.

Meeting of Coalition Members and Collaborative Partners

Time: Monday 29th November, 8pm
Place: Omni Hotel

This was a repeat of the meeting held on Sunday for those that could not make it.

Closed meeting with negotiators

Time: Tuesday 30th November, 7pm
Place: Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach Hotel

This provided a space for discussions among and between delegations on various options to strengthen the focus on water under the UNFCCC, including in its subsidiary bodies and associated financial mechanisms. The meeting  also explored possible initiatives on water and climate outside the Convention that may inform the negotiations taking place inside the Convention. This meeting was by invite only. The Coalition Secretariat represented members at the meeting. CONAGUA provided a room and refreshments for the meeting.

CONAGUA: Dialogues for Water and Climate Change

Time: Wednesday 1st - Wednesday 8th December
Place: Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach Hotel

A series of relevant partners, led by the National Water Commission of Mexico (CONAGUA), came together to organize the Dialogs for Water and Climate Change. The Dialogs shed new light on the importance of water management for climate change adaptation. A full program is available here:

Coalition session as part of CONAGUA dialogues

Time: Friday 3rd December, 2.15pm
Place: Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach Hotel

This session, hosted by the Water and Climate Coalition, made concrete proposals on how the issues raised and addressed in the CONAGUA Water and Climate Dialogues can be translated into political commitments under the UNFCCC
Speakers include:

  • Hannah Stoddart/Karin Lexen – Water and Climate Coalition Secretariat

  • South Africa Delegation Representative (tbc)
  • Civil Society representative from Progressio

Press Conference: Putting Water Security First

Time: Monday 6th December, 2.30-3.30pm
Place: "Luna" (Press Conference Room 2), ground floor of the Moon Palace Expo Centre

The Coalition hosted a press conference to communicate its key message to a wider media audience.

Side Event: Water, Climate and Development: Linking Up Development Agendas and Putting Water Security First

Time: Monday 6th December, 6.30-8.00 pm
Place: Room Águila Cancun Messe Center

This side event was hosted by the Water and Climate Coalition, the Global Water Partnership and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. It demonstrated links between water, human development and climate change, discuss policy responses for COP 16, and explore financing water-related adaptation. A flyer for the side event is available for download in English and Spanish.

Speakers include:

  • Mr. Anders Berntell, Water and Climate Coalition, Executive Director, Stockholm  International Water Institute

  • Mr. Maas Goote, Head of Delegation, Special Envoy for Climate Change, the Netherlands (tbc)

  • Ms Kulthoum Omari, HBF Sustainable Development Programme Manager

  • Dr. Ursula Schäfer-Preuss, Vice President, Asian Development Bank

  • Mr Bai Mass Taal, Executive Secretary of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW)

  • Mr. Rolando Castro Cordoba, Freshwater Action Network (FAN)

  • Dr. Letitia A. Obeng, Chair of Global Water Partnership

For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other ways to get involved


The Coalition has recently set up its own twitter account @waterclimate. Follow us to receive up to date information on our activities and other news, and if you have your own account and are tweeting about water & climate and COP16 make sure to use the hashtag #waterclimate and #COP16 respectively.


The Coalition has set up a blog on their website, which will be updated regularly. We will be asking for contributors to the blog during the conference. If you would like to contribute please contact Tom Harrisson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please feel free to forward this request on to relevant parties who may also be interested in contributing.

Outreach Newsletter

Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine on environment and sustainable development produced by Stakeholder Forum. At COP16, as one of the publications officially recognised by the UNFCCC, Outreach was distributed each day in the main conference venue. In each edition, Outreach highlighted climate and water related issues and announce events. Outreach was also distributed in side event conference venues (separate to the main negotiations venue). The publication was also produced as a daily html email and distributed to a range of list-serves to reach those unable to attend the conference. It was also hosted on the Stakeholder Forum and Water and Climate Coalition websites.



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