MDG+10 Summit

Research and Policy Briefing


Advocacy and Lobbying


Currently there is very little information on how sustainable the MDG7 Water and Sanitation target will be if climate change is not taken into consideration. The Water and Climate Coalition will work with key partners to develop and share research into the impact of climate change on meeting the MDG7 target to halve the number of people without access to water and sanitation by 2015.


Based on the research the Water and Climate Coalition will develop policy recommendations, key messages and statements endorsed by all members that will be distributed as advocacy materials ahead of and during the MDG+10 Review. These materials will form the basis of focussed meetings with representatives from country delegations from North and South in the run-up to and during the MDG+10 Review.

Press and Media


Water Dialogues


The WCC will produce a press release outlining the key messages from its research to raise the profile of climate change in relation to sustainable access to water and sanitation. It will host a press conference alongside the MDG+10 Summit to draw attention to the issue, and will invite journalists to conduct interviews with coalition members.

The WCC also intends to produce a series of new media outputs focussing on water and climate change, highlighting the issues and promoting multi-stakeholder discussion on how to go forward. The new media outputs will include radio roundtable podcasts and where possible short films.

The Water and Climate Coalition will seek to generate dialogue, debate and ultimately consensus on a range of policy principles relating to water and climate change.

The Danish Dialogues on Integrated Land and Water Resources Management for Climate Change Adaptation represented a helpful step in identifying five principles for good adaptation, intended to influence the adaptation discussions for COP15.

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